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I'm Janice from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: C03416119 Click here to contact me

My name is Janice. I used to think I needed a father figure, not anymore. The one who needs a daddy figure is my son, James. His dad is an excellent financial provider, but he's the typical, provincial mainland Chinese man. He loves talking about work and business, but my son feels shy to talk about teen issues like his crushes, and the peer pressure to have a girlfriend. My son is now 16. I married 7 months after I passed the national examinations to obtain a teaching license. I got pregnant a few months before the wedding. It was a double celebration. Please read more for you to understand what else happened.
My son receives child support. I tried being with Asian men, but they're non confrontational. I've noticed that Western men are more capable of expressing themselves, so I hope I could find someone who would not abhor my open minded nature and academic inclination. I love watching historical, cultural, financial and scientific documentaries.
I'm financially independent. I'm not one of the ladies who'll have sick parents, kids, etc. If I tell you someone got ill, it's not because I expect you to send money. I just want you to comfort me emotionally, because after covid began, I tend to get very anxious when someone in the family gets ill. I am a freelance online English teacher. I earn $9 USD to $14 USD per hour. As of now, I have about 13 to 16 hours of class time in a week. I have an insurance policy. I am not a charity case.
I could lay heaven at your feet, but before I do such, please let me understand that I am the only woman in your life. That is my one and only wish.
I remember giving full body massage (yes, I practiced proper massage) to my ex husband. I made sure the room would smell nice, like a spa... but...As they say, money changes people. The moment my husband had a lot of money, my marriage totally crumbled. He started going to bars, and his friends introduced him to the poor Filip

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Janice from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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