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I'm Cherry from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: C03772516 Click here to contact me

Howdy! I am Cherry, a combi of an old-world and an open spirit. As an ENFJ-T, I am an empathic and kind person. I was raised with decency and grace, and I take satisfaction in being a good communicator with a passionate and affectionate personality. I am down to earth and reliable, a self-sufficient and I'm looking for a lifetime partner who respects and value my independence. While I am reserved, my formal education has instilled me a desire to learn about other cultures and traditions. While I can write English easily, I'm aiming to improve my speaking abilities.
I wear my heart in my sleeve, and am single with no children or prior marriages. Regardless of the prejudices connected with Asian women, particularly Filipinas, I believe that money mainly appeals to those looking for an easy way out. As a woman who's a giver and provider, stability is my own achievement because I prefer not to rely on others. I'm not interested in what you do for a living. I want to see how far you will go to fulfill your heart's need.

You see, maturity with depth is quite appealing to someone who can speak with experience and emotion from a warped mind, which sounds admirable. Consider a spouse who identifies and admits imperfections while appreciating flaws, choosing to stay every day while having the option to go. I'm not the jealous sort, so don't worry. I regard it as a symptom of a lack of self-confidence. I urge my spouse to pursue what makes him happy, and I support that along the way. Im looking forward to meeting someone who is not paranoid. Practically, "I water you, you water me, we water we, we grow and nurture together" . With the proper individual, I'm willing and prepared to settle down and simply enjoy every second of life.
Despite my young age, I typically express maturity beyond my years. My accomplishments in life are a reflection of my hard work and perseverance, which have shaped me into the person I am today. I have a strong desire to sha

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Cherry from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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