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I'm Azel from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: C03879234 Click here to contact me

Hi, my name is Azel Rose but people close to me simply call me Zel/Zelle.
I am an Adventist and my interests are reading the Bible and reading about History, Natural Sciences (most especially Biology), archaeology, discoveries and world literature. I'm an animal, nature and music lover too.
Depending on my mood, I spend my free time playing with my pet cats and dogs, listening to good music, cooking, binge-watching, reading about history, sciences, discoveries and world literature, chatting with friends, exercising or sleeping.
The first thing people notice about me is my height, smile or canine teeth and the one thing that will always cheer me up is foood :D
My personality type is INFJ (MBTI personality test) but if I were to describe myself in my own words, I am a very bright, lively, funny, kind, thoughtful, respectful, supportive, open-minded, family-oriented and God-fearing person. But being an introvert, my bright, lively and funny side only comes out when I'm in my comfort zone or if I'm really comfortable with the person/people I'm with.
I’m looking for someone who likes to keep a slow and steady relationship. My ideal partner is someone who has a great personality and someone whom I feel secure with. I'm looking someone who values integrity as much as I do. Someone who is family-oriented and God-fearing. And in general, kind, supportive, understanding, respectful, loving, loyal, trustworthy, consistent and most importantly, someone who will accept me for all of my pretty and ugly but will ultimately help me become a better version of myself. Having a great sense of humor is a big plus!
Oh my, I wrote a lot! If you think you'd be a great match, please send me a message and I'll do my best to respond as soon as I can. Thank you. :)

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Azel from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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