I'm LovelyJean from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: C03946756 Click here to contact me
Hi 'my name is LOVELY JEAN ❤️ ..i'm simple person art of my life 🌼❤️ i'm joking sometimes 🥴 But sometimes I feel sad. But sometimes I just laugh through my problems in life.. and sometimes I also have a tendency to be grumpy and grumpy when the person lies to me, I don't like it Because of the person who lies to me. I like the person who tells me the truth, because I can easily understand and I can easily forgive. As long as they tell me the truth. And above all, I love my family and friends, even the elderly, that's the kind of person I am.. and above all, I'm a fighter. I don't like being oppressed, especially by my family.. because I don't like it. That hurts me..but I'm more proud of myself even though I'm poor even though my family is poor..we're still happy and understand each other, that's how my family is...My life is simple. And I hope someone accepts me whole and understands the state of my life.. I don't like men who only care about sex, I want men who accept me for who I am. And love my family and accept my family.. I wish there were more men like that in this world..