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I'm Gary from Thailand and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00024148 Click here to contact me

If I send you an email then it means I am seriously interested in you. Then I will always ask for more photos, and ask to web/video cam. Since most of my prospects on CB are from another country I understand that these long distance friendships are fragile at best but if I take the time to come to see you then obviously you are important to me. Time is money and traveling is expensive. I want to make sure I thank all of you I have contacted and chatted with in an attempt to find the right one for me tagged !Gary Just some advice: 1. Don't invest your heart in someone until he is right there in front of you (which means he is at least somewhat serious and honest about his intentions). 2. Try not to slight / tease a man by saying he must have many girlfriends or must be a playboy (it's rude!). 3. Don't misrepresent yourself! If you tell the truth, you are more likely to get a guy who really likes what you have said. If you're too shy to tell something really important about you, it could result in a difference in the type of guy that comes to see you! For example, if you smoke slightly and/or drink socially, or enjoy "a certain something" you may be pleasantly surprised when you get more friend requests and ones that really communicate with you better and put you at ease and then you start to smile for him. YOU SHOULD KNOW that even most middle aged men(and older than that)like to have fun and party sometimes therefore they will be more attracted to a woman who likes it too and shows it with her actions. Very few men want a woman who never let's her hair down and wouldn't think of acting or talking sexy or partying with her man! Just because someones say they don't smoke or drink doesn't mean they are good! You can be God fearing and have a good time once in a while! 4. If you have no patience for someone from another country and chatting and emailing for over a year, then don't contact me. Most of us guys cannot hop on a plane to see you as soon as we become in

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Gary from Thailand and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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