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I'm Renai from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00052131 Click here to contact me

It doesn't take a hammer to kill an ant; and one does not trade a cow for a chicken, or light a candle in the sun, so that counts for some intelligence. What I learned as a child is that you don't jump out of a second story window with a sheet and yell Up, Up and Away! One might wind up getting stitches, but I am sure about the Big Bad Wolf. I think that I have left lots intelligent to fight over. I am not greedy. I am trustworthy, extroverted, and well educated I think, but then every cook thinks that his dunghill is the best. I am still working on developing prime wisdom trying to pierce right though my darkness and guide myself toward the light of insight and awareness of some secondary God creation.. The density of my darkness is the key to my knighthood in common sense-icily world but alas I try! I tried to recall in times gone by and even now when I found me in what I saw of the world of dog-eat-dog mentality and I felt lost in those times in a substantive, spiritual and living truth way, even looking in eyes of my givers from their laps. Be that as it may, I have found at times that the very best part of me comes out when faced with the fantasies of myself and I do what I must to survive or perish. Mostly I have found that I popam the fertilizer of my every experiences, and that they are for me to utilize them as fodder on my experience so the challenge is and will always be to find the truth of me in my spiritual quest to uncover my talents. My gifts deluxe, my mortgage-able talents, and an industry I can challenge to see my dreams and desires. I am intuitive or at least I believe in the importance inner life, but in this regard I am no clairvoyant that is for sure; and this is not really clear. I dont want to be as clairvoyant as "Miss Cleo" (the infamous fortune teller now living in that great American institution of basic learning for people with sticky fingers) that I do know.
The Elephant in the room is that neither what we did or to whom i

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Renai from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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