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I'm Fritz from Germany and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00473657 Click here to contact me

On earth every human being has two teachers: firstly, himself or herself, and secondly, fate. What man is not able to achieve by his own diligence, practice, renunciation, pain, grief, etc., will be served up to him by dissapointments and buffets of fate. Life is a school, not an amusement fair. Over and over again, man on this earth is is challenged to learn, to develop, to perfect himself. He may enjoy the good; he should lean from the evil; but he must never say die, for nothing on this globe happens without good reason; everything that befalls him happens with good reasons and always the right time. It is to man himself to encounter all evnts courageously and to gain a wealth of knowledge therefrom for his own advancement.
Juli 2001
"But now let us turn our attention to further experiments. Who among you would like to contact a deceased acquaintance or relative?"
At first, no one was courageous enough to break the suspense with a response to Fritz's question. Finally, a gentleman volunteered for the experiment; the audience gave him their relieved applause. Once on stage, he introduced himself as Mr. Muller and said that he was the director of a bank. Rather emotionally, he said he wished to see his deceased sister and learn something of her present fate.
In order to put the man at ease, Fritz asked him to be seated in a chair on the stage, saying, "Please tell me the name of the deceased and the date she died."
"Her name was Anna Muller, and she died on May 16th, 1976, in the local sanatorium."
Fritz asked the audience if anyone else had known this person, whereupon an elderly woman in Mr. Muller's row quickly rose and identified herself as the mother of the deceased.
Two men from the same row said that they, too, were relatives of the deceased, and a woman from the audience said that Elisabeth Muller had been her friend and schoolmate.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Fritz from Germany and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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