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Cherry Blossoms online members

I'm from and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: Click here to contact me

Due to the numerous attempts to scam me, I will no longer respond to you, if your account is not verified.
I do not know why, but when someone sends me a smile, sometimes it takes several days for it to be visible to me.
First thing you should know about me is, I am disabled. I have nerve damage in my spine. I walk with a cane and cannot stand or walk for long periods. Therefore I am unable to work. I draw a very small disability pension. Secondly, I am hoping to move the the Philippines. I have not decided where yet, but it will be somewhere that allows me to swim on a daily basis.
I swim 3 days a week for exercise and would prefer someone that will exercise with me, to push me and inspire me.
I am VERY blunt and straightforward. Too many years in the Army and law enforcement, I guess. Because of this, I may say things that you think are mean or insulting. This is not my intention. I do not intentionally hurt people’s feelings, unless it is deserved.
I have a few rules that are absolute.
1. NO head games or drama.
2. If you were born with male parts, I’m NOT interested.
3. Once I commit to someone, I am 100% loyal. I expect the same in return. You cheat, you’re gone, no second chances.
4. I am well aware of the online scams and how they work. Don’t try it on me. I will shut you down and report you in a heartbeat. Translation: if you ask me for money, imply that you need money, or hint that you need money, I’m going to assume you are a scammer. This applies to cam girls too. I’m not interested in seeing you naked on cam.
5. No pictures on your profile = no response.
6. No tobacco users.
7. I am not religious at all. I have no interest in organized religion or going to church. Please do not harass me about it and I will respect your right to worship as you see fit. If you want to know why, that’s fine. Don’t go further than that, or I will drop you like a hot rock.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm  from  and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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