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I'm Jesse from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C01289012 Click here to contact me

I have a big website on the internet about prophecy, politics, and my life, which I hope will support me soon.
I'm generally looking for a Jewish bride and I find holiness in the Hebrew language.
I enjoy simple hobbies like watching videos, a computer game, and sports. My complicated hobby right now is streaming short parts of my life live on occasion.
I have discipline from much of my childhood on sailboats. I'm extremely handy in almost every aspect of house building and repair, but slowing down because of my age.
I don't have the money to visit there yet, but I'm worth the gamble. I'm also working on other websites, and trying to sell internet names.
Unfortunately, I have medical conditions; rare eczema on my fingers, knee replacement, diabetes, and a dangerous allergy to all nuts and several other foods.
I believe in prayer and I use special straps and boxes six days a week, as you can see from the pixelized picture.
Likes: teaching, computer networks, off-road motorcycles, animal training, Minecraft, rock music, country music, and a little bit of TV, like Claim to Fame.
Dislikes: long fingernails, and heavy make-up.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Jesse from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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