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I'm Erik from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C01722078 Click here to contact me

In many ways, I'm a study in contrasts. I like doing things that I may suck at, even though I'm a very competitive person. I've developed a "look before you leap" philosophy recently, though I haven't stamped out my impulsive side. I've always been an inquisitive one, so I'm always studying something. My ambition knows no bounds. I like making people laugh. Well okay, that's an understatement. I get great joy out of making people laugh until they cry (or worse). I've been called "odd" by friends because my opinions differ so much from theirs. I've been a travel agent for over 30 years now though the pandemic forced me to shift to audio engineering and music production. My foremost passion has been traveling, which is why I made it a career.
I love being exposed to new experiences, cultures, and situations since I believe they change and widen our perspectives. I've been fortunate enough to travel extensively and be exposed to a myriad of different experiences. Love music, dancing, reading, writing, cooking, playing music (bass guitar & cello), and have always been open to trying new things at least once. I'm a very affectionate person and I have a very active romantic side. I am also an avid writer. I started out writing sonnets when I was 11 then moved into short stories and novels and have started writing songs. As a lifelong athlete, I like to stay in shape but it's not an obsession.
I love children and plan to one day have some of my own (besides, my friends have demanded that I stop spoiling theirs. Go figure!). I also love animals (especially dogs, dolphins, and cheetah cubs). My spirit animal is the black swan. While I'm no zealot, my faith is a very important part of my daily life.
I'm looking for a woman who can appreciate a man who is 100% committed to her. Someone who is feminine, intelligent, and who wants to have a loving family (with children). She has to be faithful, kind, and adventurous. A love of travel is a must as well. This is

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Erik from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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