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I'm Thomas from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C01951386 Click here to contact me

"Just hold me and tell me you'll be here to love me today"... Nora Jones
I am an International science teacher from the USA. You will learn all about me in good time. I have many interests and will never bore you. You will find me to be your best friend, fun companion, loyal supporter and a VERY passionate lover.
With the pandemic, there is no telling how long the travel restrictions will be in place. The biggest danger here is losing track of each other. I will only stay in touch with you if you stay in touch with me. If I see that you do not answer me or do not come to your profile for weeks or months at at a time, I'll just delete you.
When told that I am a handsome man.....? I usually laugh.... Personally, I don't see it but you decide for yourself.
Just be VERY aware of these 10 things ..... because they are non-negotiable.
1. I love beauty and hate vanity.
2. I like sexy women but am disgusted by sexiness that is vulgar, cheap, and tawdry.
3. I admire ambition but despise greediness, dishonesty, and cruelty.
4. I appreciate hard work and generosity but have NO tolerance of those who feel 'entitled' because of beauty or some talent.
5. I am not at all religious. However, I do understand some people's need for it. If you have strong religious convictions or call yourself "god-fearing", I am probably not a good choice for you. For myself, I cannot 'fear' something I don't believe exists in the first place.
6. If you decide to contact me, please do it by email with photos. No photo or unflattering photo? BUH-BYE! I can't hit the "delete" button fast enough. You don't respect yourself enough to post 12 nice photos but then expect me to..... seriously?
7. I work for a living and don't have time for much chat. Kindly send me an email. I'd rather talk on the phone, so as that cute song goes "... Here's my number and call me maybe...!"
8. You MUST have at least basic English skills.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Thomas from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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