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I'm Aj from Australia and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C02002503 Click here to contact me

A well-behaved Aussie guy looking to meet his asian bride. I'm AJ, and I'd like to meet you, grow closer, then become a married couple.
I'm open-minded, accepting of others, and will treat you right. Too many men here are just after one'll get respect from me.
I sometimes go to the Philippines on medical missions, and have also travelled to other places around the world. I really enjoy travelling, and would love to share that with someone special.
I have two adult twin boys...young men now. I'm close to them, but they have their own lives now.
I make a lot of things from leather, cloth or steel. I'm good with my hands. (so if you're into cosplay, I'm your man!)
1) Due to Australia's immigration laws, it's near impossible to bring a single mum with kids into the country. I'd ask if you already have kids to look at someone else. I don't want to start a relationship, only to have heartbreak later.
2) Due to medical reasons, I can't father children. Sorry, but if you want kids, I can't be the man for you.

Unfortunately due to Australia's immigration laws, I couldn't bring any children with you. So therefore it's best if you have children to look for someone else before we get involved then end up brokenhearted.
I'm also not looking to have children, so if that's what you want to do, sorry I'm not the man you need.

Drop me a line...take a chance

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Aj from Australia and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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