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I'm Al from Canada and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C02018294 Click here to contact me

I enjoy my life in all its aspects - my work, travel, time spent with friends, reading, classical/popular music, the symphony, film, and sports such as sailing, skiing, hiking, windsurfing. Although happy by myself, I would like to find an appealing woman that enjoys and wants to share the things I enjoy.

I'm undemanding, easy-going, caring, loyal, supportive, exceptionally young at heart, responsible, reliable, and have no alcohol, drug or gambling problems. Being hard-working and financially secure, I can offer the right woman a good life.

I don't want a trophy, a mother, a housekeeper, or a sex toy. I want a woman to love and be loved by, in both good and bad times, for life. One with intelligence, honesty, integrity, loyalty, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to her partner. A sense of humour and the ability to have fun are also imperative. Please be aware that I no longer wish to have children.

My ideal 'type' is young at heart, attractive, and fit. I prefer younger and fit, because I prefer a companion that can keep up with me - someone that would sail around the world in a small sailboat, ski snow covered mountians, live on a small island, windsurf tropical seas. I appreciate beauty wherever I find it - in a sunrise, a flower, a song, or a woman - and I like the notion of looking at a companion that makes me feel that the sun has just risen on my life.

If what I have written here interests you, please write to me so we can exchange thoughts and see if they take us further. Please be able to correspond in English. I am serious about finding a partner and need to correspond directly, not through an interpreter.

Please don't contact me if you intend to ask for money, as you won't get any. I'm not giving money to people I haven't even met. Be aware too that I'm looking for a life partner to join me in Canada, which means you need to be able to get a passport and a visa.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Al from Canada and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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