I'm Thaddaeus from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C02958469 Click here to contact me
Please feel free to contact me if you like me also just remember when messaging me. IF YOU A A LADYBOY OR TRANSGRENDER, I DONT WANT ANY IM A STRAIGHT DUDE LOOKING FOR A WOMAN NOT A GUY NOT A GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE A GIRL. I WANT A WOMAN. GO PLAY SWORDS WITH SOMEONE ELSE. I WANT MORE CHILDREN. I don't want anyone asking me hows my search going worry about your own search not mine. I just feel its a waste of time. I am very comfortable with myself and with who I am as a person. If you can't accept that its too bad I'm not changing who I am or who I am as a person. If you don't like that or can't except it there are billions of other guys out there go find them and kick rocks and don't bother with me cause I'm not going to waste your time and surely I'm not going to let you waste mine. If you make me feel comfortable with you I'm going to open up and show you who I am. But you can also mess that up by being wishy washy about how you are with me and how you talk to me and I will just go back into my hole and you won't know me at all. If you don't have a picture don't even try please. You are just wasting yours and my time again I don't like my time wasted. If you lie in your profile don't message me cause if you lie there you will lie to me and I don't have time for that crap.I hate being asked questions that are already in my profile i.e. how old are you and do you have kids. If you took the time to read my profile you would know this already. I am S.I.N.G.L.E never been married since some have a problem understanding the english langue. You may think I'm an ass after this that is fine you are probably not someone I want to be with anyways. It just seems I have to keep spelling things out to people here because we aren't all adults and we just want to be adults just by age. Don't waste my time I won't waste yours. And if you think you are too good for me take a good look in the mirror I'd eventually realize I didn't want you anyways cause your soul is ugly. Please if any o