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I'm from and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
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I'm someone who loves to laugh and constantly learn new things. I might be a bit shy, but my heart lies in the world of video games, computers, virtual reality, and programming. These hobbies not only excite me, but they also fuel my optimism, especially when coupled with my love for movies and TV shows.
In my search for that special someone, I dream of connecting with a fellow programmer or gamer. Imagine how awesome it would be to develop stuff together, sharing both passions and creativity.
The perfect date for me is pretty straightforward and heartwarming: watching a movie together, cuddling up, and perhaps even exploring new worlds in virtual reality. There's something incredibly special about sharing these simple, yet profound, moments.
I was married in the past but now divorced and I have a wonderful 5-year-old son who is an incredibly important part of my life.
I'm ready to open my heart to someone who can reciprocate my love and dedication.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm  from  and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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