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I'm Greg from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03042614 Click here to contact me

I’m looking for a proper lady who has qualities similar to mine and who can be my adventure/travel buddy and lifetime partner and better half, queen, angel. [Sorry, but I’m just trying basic membership for now, and I am sincere but wary, so I don’t have time for anything scammy. Thx! ;) ]
I’m a mixed Korean and Japanese
American who plans on relocating outside the US ASAP.
As for me, I’m me - loyal, patient, kind, honest, generous, forgiving, respectful, and responsible, but also fun, romantic, adventurous, down to earth, and easy going with a good sense of humor. I always stay positive and optimistic, because things could always be worse, no matter how bad things may seem, and negativity never helps. I believe what comes around goes around, so I treat others as I’d like to be treated, with respect and consideration. Live and let live, I say, and no one is perfect, so being understanding, empathetic, accepting, and willing to compromise are rules for every relationship for me.
I am very family oriented, and I am not a player, scammer, or womanizer. I take my search seriously and would like to find someone soon and commit rather than dating around a lot. I believe marriage is for life, but sometimes things become irreconcilable, unfortunately, like my last relationship with my white American highschool sweetheart, which lasted 25 years. I was completely committed and faithful, but she wasn’t, so it didn’t work out. I have more than fulfilled my financial and other responsibilities to them, so I am ready to move on now and find a nice Asian lady instead of another American.
I will fully accept and love any child(ren) you may already have. And if things go well, I would be willing to consider having our own.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Greg from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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