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I'm Richard from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03266429 Click here to contact me

Single, well-educated, and recently retired technologist is currently playing guitar as much as possible. But I'm singing solo :-( and I would like someone to make sweet music with! I'm too old to start a family, so I'm looking for an attractive young lady who doesn't have or want children, or an older woman who has grown children not living at home. If you're open to meeting a warm, kind, and very loving man, I'd love to hear from you! My favorite foods are pizza and sushi (not together - haha!) but I love cooking, and I can make both. I don't smoke or use drugs, but I like a glass of wine with dinner. Do you prefer red, or white?
I'm no longer living in an RV and traveling the United States. I've settled down in Florida, where it's nice and warm all year around. So if you like warm weather, you should write and tell me more about yourself - your work or education, family and friends, and your thoughts about marriage with a much older American man. Please, no smiles or short, one-line messages. Write something meaningful that will catch my eye and my interest! I PREFER SOMEONE WITH NO CHILDREN OR GROWN ADULT CHILDREN, PLEASE!
UPDATE: Seeking someone from Japan or China.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Richard from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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