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I'm Tommy from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03337429 Click here to contact me

I'm looking for a wife. To read my full profile, you need a computer or go to a computer cafe. I met a woman from Siquijor 22 years ago and was married to her for 18 years. Siquijor, the island of witches and magicians. She bewitched me and was a helluva magician - she made my money disappear! I divorced her and it was final on March 6th,2017. I had planned on returning to the Phils, but cannot for now. I'm still healthy but want to live in Florida USA. I have a good monthly income from my retirement and can live anywhere. I have traveled the world and been to 43 different countries. I've been to the Philippines 26 times and have lived there for 2 years at a stretch.
Ostensibly, you joined CB to find a life partner. When you consider an 83 year old man as a possible partner, let's be honest. I'm not Sir Studly or your boy-toy. Men my age face the reality that their sex lives are "Petering" out. I'm not dead, but if what you want is a sex toy,look elsewhere.However I am healthy. No wheelchair or cane needed. I just visited Epcot and Disney World. Before Busch Gardens in Tampa and walked fast all day long. I rode 4 roller coasters and the Big Drop where they strap you in and take you way up 150 or 200 feet then drop you over 100 feet before slowing to a stop at the bottom. Exciting! I now weigh 170 pounds.
I've heard every scam. Don't even bother. I want to meet a woman who has her feet solidly on the ground - no flighty dreamer. Child ok.

I used to be the kind of guy your parents would not like, and would lock their daughters up. My intentions were (past tense) strictly dishonorable. I may not be the man of your dreams, but I can make many of your dreams come true. And in conclusion, if you can't take a joke, don't write to me. If you do write to me, don't tell your parents! LOL!

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Tommy from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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