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I'm Doug from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03435839 Click here to contact me

me. I would like to read about you, also. I would like to start out with some important things about me you should know. I am a very nice and caring person.
I also do not believe in God - and I know that for most of you, faith is an important part of your life. I respect that and I hope for everyone to be able to worship as they wish. I happen to not have a God and I understand if that means you must keep looking for someone who shares your faith.
Another big issue for many of us is abortion. I am a strong supporter of abortion rights. Many of you feel that abortion is murder and I believe I understand that idea - but for me, the important issue is to respect a woman's right to control her own body. I do not want any government to tell a woman what she needs to do with her body. In America, we just had a ten year old girl who was raped get an abortion, but she had to go a long way for it because of new restrictions. I am glad that she was able to end the pregnancy. I don't think the government should force any ten year old girl or any 30 year old woman to have a baby. The idea of that, to me, is horrible. I feel that control is an act of violence in itself. If you don't want an abortion for yourself, then that should be your right. I also declare that no one person and no government has the moral right to control a woman's body.
Also, I am advocate for same sex marriage. If 2 men or 2 women are in love, I do not want the government or any religion controlling their lives.
Additionally, no country should outlaw divorce. No religion should forbid it. I am on the side of freedom and democracy, and the state has no right to tell us who we should or should not be with.
Lastly, no government has the moral right to sentence or carry out a death penalty.
If you read this far, you are amazing. I would like to tell you more about myself. I am 66 and very energetic. I love everybody and that includes children. I we

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Doug from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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