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I'm Gerard from Japan and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03523043 Click here to contact me

If you believe in destiny then maybe I've been searching my whole life for you.
And you've known your whole life one day you would be a princess. ❤️
I live in Japan and I have made a life here as a Tour Guide.
I loved a precious Filipina who was beautiful, fun and funny, sweet and complicated, but tragically she died at 34.
Can I dare to try and love again?
But if I love again, I want to use my head as well as my heart. I don't need a trophy wife or a gold-digger. First and foremost I am looking for a business partner who wants to work hard and play hard and make more money in a week than maybe you have ever made in a month. So relevant skills are more important to me than a pretty face or a sexy body.
I have a successful business and I have a comfortable life. but with the right partner we could make xo much more and live a truly fulfilling life.
To me, Japan is almost heaven on earth. Everything is clean and cool and fun and even crime is very low. Everyone is friendly and polite. Everything is almost perfect....
...except at the end of the day I come home to a big beautiful but empty house.
I am old in years but young at heart
I dance like an idiot but I can sing like a pro.
I like to run in the dark and make love with the lights on.
I believe a husband should be judged by the quality of his massages.
And a wife by how hard she laughs and makes you laugh.
Let's make our lives into an excellent adventure.
I am looking for someone serious who would consider coming to live here in Japan permanently.
I love kids and I used to teach kindergarten. But if you have kids already, getting a visa for your kid to come to Japan is near impossible. And I could never ask you to leave a kid behind. So let's not build a bridge to nowhere. I wish you all the best of luck on your search, but I am not the one you are searching for.
If you are single and have no kids a

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Gerard from Japan and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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