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I'm Mike from Germany and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03569837 Click here to contact me

I am looking for a nice girl to marry and spend the rest of my life with her. I am caring and have a good heart. As long as I do not get cheated I will do anything to make my wife happy.
I am an electric engineer and work in IT.
My hobbies are my cars, my boat, my motorbike and I like to go diving and swimming in the sea.
I have no children and was never married.
I uploaded some pictures last night and I am overwhelmed with the number of emails and chats that I got only in one night.
Fun fact: The two girls that I wrote to did delete my mail without answer.
Please accept that I do not want to take care of other mens children. So if you are a single mom then it does not make sense to write to me. We can be friends but there is no chance for a relationship.
I have made some experience already and there is absolutely no chance that I will send money before we met in person. So no matter what story you will present, if you are only here for money then don't waste your time with me.
If you write to me it would be nice to get a little more than "hi" or "how are you".
I do know and fully agree that inner values and personality are very important. But I also want to have a wife that is beautiful in my eyes. I want to see her every morning and think hoe lucky I am that she choose me. As I can not see your inner values here and how sweet and caring you are I do look at your pictures. If I go through your pictures and my heart say WOW then you could be my future wife. If there is rather a puuuh than a wow then I am sorry, but you are not for me.
I guess that some girls here are looking just for any man to marry for financial support. I am not sure if such a relationship will last long. So if you like my photos and you are interested in ME then I will be very happy to get a message from you.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Mike from Germany and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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