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I'm Eric from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03744203 Click here to contact me

Due to the many fake profiles here of scammers, if you only have one picture in your profile, it is hard to see you as a real person.
I am financially secure (i.e. I don't work a 'real' job), and have been for many years. I do play landlord fairly often to keep the revenue flowing. I am an entrepreneur and have run for political office, although my main background is IT at several major Banks. Computer science and math undergraduate degrees, and an MBA in Marketing. I am not married, and never have been. Nor do I have any kids.
I travel quite a bit for personal fun, at least 6 months out of the year. Driving, not flying, mostly.
There are so many places here in the USA, and I prefer to spend money where people appreciate the business. Sometimes I go to Canada. I drive a pickup truck (17-F350), and have always had a truck since high school, although I have a car too.
I have a goal to see all the National Parks, and more. Recent travels include Polar Bears in Churchill, Manitoba; Sunset on Mauna Kea; Whale Watching in Lahaina, Maui; Isle Royale; seeing wild monkeys in Silver Springs State Park, FL; Star Gazing in Catalina State Park, AZ; and countless other places.
I live in Florida (near Ocala), where I own a home on five acres, with a couple of horses. I am a dog person, more than a cat person. Type A rather than type B or C or D. If you are looking for someone to take financial care of you, without you taking care of me, I am the wrong person.
I like to think of myself as a young person, and stay somewhat active, and I need someone that also has those same ideas about being young and active. There was a time I ran a mile in 5:32, and run 5-miles just to do something, those days are likely over.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Eric from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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