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I'm Steve from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03814167 Click here to contact me

I’m American. I’ve been married twice in the US, both marriages failing. I was miserable, looking at a life of loneliness. I didn’t want to be the uncle that gets invited to Christmas because he’s all alone.
I found Blossoms. I was quickly met by dozens of messages from beautiful women, but I was captivated by one profile that hadn’t even written to me, but appeared on a match search. I just looked at that profile from time to time, but kept ignoring it, reading the others that were contacting me.
Finally, I thought, “Why not?” and reached out to that captivating profile. It wasn’t that her picture was gorgeous or glamorous, just that her eyes captivated me. After a short time, she replied! We hit it off, chatting pretty often. Finally, I was so interested that, for the first time in my life, I left the US and visited her in The Philippines. She was kind, attentive, and interesting. It turns out that she wasn’t even sure about joining Blossoms and hadn’t contacted anyone. She had also ignored everyone that contacted her, but opened my message and decided to reply for some reason.
After a week, I went back to the US, settled my affairs over the next year, and came back to the Philippines.
It’s been 14 years since. I haven’t gone back to the US and don’t plan to.
Our life together had its struggles, but she worked tirelessly to leverage my abilities and contributions and provide a loving, comfortable home for me, her children, and herself. I could not ask for a better wife or a better life.
Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer six years after we met and lost her fight this year. Although I am in deep, deep sorrow at the loss of the best life mate I have ever had, I thank and honor her for a great 14 years.
I love my Filipino family and will not give that up. I still have a 10 year old daughter that I am raising.
Soon, I will need to find a new wife. I just hope and pray

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Steve from Philippines and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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