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I'm Kenneth from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03911976 Click here to contact me

I consider myself loyal & faithful, authentic, expressive, kind-hearted, empathetic. I am mature, stable, secure in myself. but I do come with a child-like playful side at times (when that adorable lion cub shows up from within! - I am a Leo). I am doting / affectionate toward my one and only. I am old fashioned when it comes to values but not so when it comes to passion ;o). I have a good sense of humour. I believe that our friendship / love should be based on mutual feelings of respect, trust, understanding and genuine caring for each other. I wish to experience a deeply trusting relationship where I can share anything with my love and she in turn will know that I will always be there for her physically and emotionally. I believe that we should complement each other, help each other be our better selves.
Once we get to know each other, begin to fall in love and we have that intimate, emotional bonding with each other, I am yours forever to keep, no one will be able to take me away from you! This Leo is solid and grounded that way. That is my authentic expression. That is who I am.
I am looking for an emotional bonding of love & friendship with a simple, humble girl, family oriented, kind and caring with good values, whom I'll have the pleasure of taking care of, giving her my love, understanding (hugs, kisses, cuddles included!) over the long term. Although I love that first, passionate love-feeling, I know that true love grows over time and tastes better the longer it’s kept between us, like good wine! I am looking for a companion who’ll be there to laugh with me, share the joys of life and for whom I’ll be there during the not so great turns of life.
Since my recent experience here on CB has informed me of spending considerable time chatting and messaging, getting nowhere, I wish to clarify the following :
- I know precisely why I am here; to find a romantic partner leading to long term, permanent friendship & love. If

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Kenneth from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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