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I'm Gino from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03917485 Click here to contact me

My celebrity fundraising events for Philippines charity, led to friendships with Aga Muhlach and Garey Valenciano. My photos span many years. Now I have retired and enjoy simple family life. I prefer a simple life with a quality woman to start our family. Don't allow my photos to discourage you. My busy life is the past. Beauty is in the loyal loving heart.
I'm looking for someone that is the opposite of me. Your heart and family love is far more important than your education. You will never need to work a job. I will help you to build your own career that is exciting for you. Of course your family will be well provided for as well.
I plan to visit the Philippines to visit just one special woman and begin the process of marriage in the USA. Leading up to that, we will have first enjoyed learning about each other over months of time. We will be talking daily and have no secrets. We will become the best of friends, and that is the best foundation to build on. Please just be yourself from the start, I will respect and appreciate the differences in beliefs. Much more about this when we get to know each other. If we decide that we are better as friends than marriage, I will continue to introduce you to many great men that I know well until you find your perfect match.
Please keep in mind, I will reward any friend that introduces me to my perfect match.
I was blessed to be a gifted child prodigy. I grew up in a loving Italian family and I attended a private Catholic School. I advanced to college at 16, and by 21 earned my Ph.D. I accepted an executive position at Google and moved to San Francisco, California.
Over the years I’ve learned from very influential people(some in my photos) about living the good life. I was able to retire early and I love being able to help my friends do the same. I hope to hear from anyone that reads this, so please message me with your email or WhatsApp#. Salamat, G

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Gino from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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