Thousands of men and women online now looking for their love

Cherry Blossoms online members

I'm Jhon from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03974618 Click here to contact me

Finding your true love is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is hard and most certainly one would need luck. But like many things in life, if you have faith and just trust Jesus, the right person will come along and fill that missing piece in your life. We all wish for companionship and to be just love, and that’s all I’m looking for. Please no games as we have been hurt so many times already.

Currently visiting here back home in Manila. Wishing everyone here find true happiness.
Update (5/14/2023)
Getting ready for my flight back tonight. Thank you to everyone I got to chat with and to those I wasn’t able to, please forgive me. Though the internet here is somewhat ok now, it is still very unreliable as I often get disconnected and sometimes lose internet connectivity. I would have wanted to visit you personally because picking a life partner is not like buying an item at a store, where after you see it and spend some time with it, you return it to try something else. Having a connection with that special someone is like magic, you just know when it happens and I hope and pray that’s what you are also looking for. I’ll be back soon hopefully before the end of this year and pray that everything will fall in its proper place.
Thank you and god bless,
oh and yes, I did upload a picture but not my best but honest pic of what I look like right now. take care---------

I would like to thank you for visiting my profile and reading this entire post. I would like to give love another try and I think I have found the person who holds the other half of my heart. I know all too well that nothing is guaranteed in life but even so, its worth the risk. Finding one's true partner involves risking your feelings , heartaches and everything bad that goes with it but I truly do believe that there is a partner for each and everyone of us if we just take a chance and don't give up. I'm taking mine again and

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Jhon from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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