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I'm Rex from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04055942 Click here to contact me

What my name is Rex Allen I like to go to Hawaii I like to get to know other cultures I love Asian women I think they're very beautiful with long pretty silk hair and pretty figures I want to tell you about myself I used to collect classical movies I like science fiction movies I like going on tropical places I used to go to Hawaii and stuff like that and it was wonderful I don't have no kids and sometimes I'm very shy and I just want to be nice to people I live in a wonderful place and I have a them and I'm looking for a girl to to know her and get married to her I'll be happiest guy in the world and I'm looking for someone probably in their late 30s and their 40s but over not I don't take no drugs I don't smoke and I got a sense of humor and also I love chicken adobo and I love puns it I cook really good spaghetti and chili and cornbread and southern food my mom taught me that but I love to go to Disneyland especially universal studio and one called magic mountain and Knott's Berry farm is in Los Angeles one thing about California it is sort of expensive here but a lot of places to go and bring your camera if you happen to come to San Francisco there's a lot of sites here out of all the places in United States California is probably number one in tourist attraction so I was born in San Francisco California I like the bay area but I used to live in Las Vegas too but anyway I hope everybody there on the dating site find the right guy and I hope that guy will treat you right and marry also I used to play basketball a lot and I love basketball I used to play that in football but now I got older and I used to lift my weights and it was like it was great but I got a little older so I got to take it easy and do my exercise and you can see I'm 63but everybody said I look like in my 40s late 40s but like I said I don't smoke I don't drink I drink a little wine or beer sometimes but I try to go shopping sometimes and I live in a nice area it's pretty quiet so I just someti

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Rex from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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