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I'm Ken from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04110633 Click here to contact me

I am separated from my wife with no chance to save our marriage, so I'm seeking a simple woman who knows how to love and appreciate me. I know what I want out of life and I hope to find a woman who will support my efforts to reach those goals. If my future wife will be my trusted advisor, cooperate with me, and follow my lead, I think we can create a truly happy and satisfying life together.
I lived in the Philippines for 9 years in the early 2000's and I hope to live there again some day. I am retired with a small but stable income. If we make the Philippines our home I prefer the province -- unless my wife must be in the city for school or work -- but even then I will hope to find a small piece of land outside the city where I can build a home to "escape the city life".
I already have one son, he is now 21 years old. If you have a child you should also have parents, siblings, cousins or some other support network to care for him/her, because I want us to travel together as a couple from time to time. However, please understand this:
I do not want to raise a new baby with you! I already lived through that wonderful life experience with my son, and now that I am older I have no interest in raising more children from infancy. So if this is very important to you then I am sorry but I cannot be your future husband. And please do not think that you can change my mind about this, because then we will both be unhappy. Instead just keep searching for a man whose goals are more compatible with yours. Thank you.
I like feeling close to my partner, both physically and emotionally, and I like to go out and experience new things with her -- because shared experiences can strengthen the bond between us. But I also enjoy just hanging around at home and relaxing with my loving wife, making home improvements, gardening, raising farm animals, watching TV and movies, and enjoying other simple activities. I like dogs and cats.
I have always been a frugal

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Ken from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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