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Cherry Blossoms online members

I'm Brian from United states and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04144461 Click here to contact me

I do not do webcams nor do I send money to people I have never met.
So if you're just here to run a scam or ask for money don't bother, the answer is no.
It's not my first time online. Go scam someone else.
I am here SERIOUSLY looking for someone to marry. I DON’T PLAY GAMES
I am 53, I'm divorced and have custody of my son. His mother moved away and does not spend time with him anymore. She decided that every other Christmas and 1 month a year was all the time she needed to spend with him. Sad that she didn't consider her son’s need to spend time with her.
I own a landscaping company and work a lot, but in my free time I enjoy the outdoors. I like going to the beach, the mountains, fishing, and camping. I enjoy riding horses, motorcycles and ATV’s. I love traveling and seeing places and meeting new people. I have been to Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia and Laos.
A lot of people have told me that I look serious or strict. To be honest, yes, I am serious. I take all my responsibilities in life seriously. My kids, my business, family, friends and everything else important in life is serious to me, but that doesn’t mean I can't have fun. Am I strict? No, I am possibly the kindest and most understanding person you could ever want to know.
Communication is very important. No relationship is perfect. All couples will have disagreements or problems. It's how you deal with them that matters. I believe you can have disagreements or problems and talk about them without arguing about them knowing that together you can work through anything. Arguments only cause hurt feelings, and when we are hurt or mad we say things we never meant to say only making things worse. I know from experience how a lack of commutation or arguments can destroy a relationship. Never be shy to talk or think that the other will not understand your problems. Always be honest and open about your feelings. Know that when something bo

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Brian from United states and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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