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I'm Csj from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04146066 Click here to contact me

Im not a rich or wealthy man by any means. But Im hard working and have a lot of love to give and share once I find the right partner. If I had a serious relationship I would do whats necessary and needed to make sure that we have a good life together. Im not rich but Im not poor by any means. I will always make sure that we are able to go on vacations to all inclusive resorts in places like Jamaica or the turks and cacoios islands. Im well traveled, ive recently been to greece and Santorini, before that I spent time in South Africa, before that I was in south America and central America. I will always be able to take my future wife and lover to places such as these. Im very close with my family and spend as much time as possible with my mother and father because they will not always be here and time is something that can not be regained once its gone. Once I find the right woman for me we can find a place to rent or buy once we are sure about things. I have never been married but want to be and would love to have a child with my wife. I want a equal partnership with my wife where we both have a say in what happens within our life and marriage. I hope my future wife is reading this and we can meet soon. If my future partner would like for us to start over somewhere new and not the USA Im open to any suggestions and ideas that you may have for our future together. Im extremely loyal almost to a fault. I have never cheated on my partner but i have been cheated on. My heart has been broken before and Ive been single for the past few years. I have always treated women with respect and love. I was taught from an young age to protect and care for the women in my life. A man is only as good as the women by his side.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Csj from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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